User accounts are created automatically soon after a member is added to the national database (with squadron approval) and likewise they are closed automatically once a member becomes non-financial or a resignation date has been entered against their member record in the national database.
This provides every member of AVCGA access to our national applications (such as the Portal, Helpdesk, Website and Email).
Members details from the national database are also used to continually update the data in our other systems, it is therefore essential that the national database be kept current.
Are provisional members entitled to an AVCGA Account ?
Yes, every member gets their new account created within a few hours of their membership record being created in the national database and following Squadron Approval of their application. This is an automatic process.
How change I change my password?
We use the Google Account Recovery service to reset passwords, enter your Coast Guard Email address in the email field, click next and select 'I forgot my password'. You will receive a verification code to your mobile number OR personal email address on record (you will be provided an option to select).
For more information, please read this Google Support Article:
How does a member receive their new account information ?
An email is sent to each member as soon as their account is created. This email is sent to the members personal email address as recorded in the national database. It is therefore very important when creating new members records to accurately enter their personal email address.
What do I do if I didn't receive my New Account Email ?
If you are a financial member then you do have an account. If you don't know the account details then you can complete the password reset form just as you would if you had forgotten your password (see below).
What do I do if I forgot my password ?
If you know your current password, simply login to the Google Accounts Manager with your Coast Guard Account and select 'Change my Password: Google Accounts Console
If you do not know your current password, please visit the Google Account Recovery page and enter your Coast Guard Email Address and follow the prompts, this is the same as 'How do I change my password?' referenced above.
What if I don't know my username ?
Your username will be in the format of firstname.lastname OR firstname.middleinitial.surname (e.g. john.smith OR john.a.smith). The spelling of these will come from your membership record in the national database. If you try this combination and it doesn't work then see your Flotilla Administration Officer (FAO) and ask them to check the spelling of your name in the national database.
What if my username is wrong ?
The usernames are created automatically and programmatically in the format mentioned above, using your firstname, middle initial and surname from your membership record in the national database. If your username is wrong then you must first have it corrected in the national database (see your Flotilla Administration Officer) and then AFTER thats been corrected create an issue in the helpdesk to have your account renamed (the rename cannot occur until after the name is fixed in the database).
If your username is wrong, but your name is spelt correctly in the database, then that can only mean the spelling mistake has already been fixed in the database. Simply proceed and create the issue in the Helpdesk to have your account renamed.
What if I am having another problem with my Account ?
Support for a User Account can be obtained by creating an Issue in our Helpdesk.
You can log into the Helpdesk at any time and check the status of your Issue, see who its been assigned to, see what work has been done to date and even add additional information.
The Helpdesk will also automatically send you an email notification to keep you informed of any updates.
How are members accounts closed ?
All accounts are closed automatically soon after a member becomes non-financial (i.e. when the financial until date is reached). A grace period (60 days) is applied at July 1st to allow members some time to get their membership renewed. If a member resigns and the resignation date is entered in the national database then the account is closed on that day. If any members account is closed (manually or automatically) and the member subsequently becomes financial again, the system will automatically re-open the members account again.
How do I transfer a member to another flotilla?
You must create a helpdesk issue. Our applications must be manually updated when a member moves from one flotilla to another. If you do move a member without first creating a helpdesk issue then the groups the member belongs to will be incorrect and the member will need to be moved back. Other items like the members training records must also be moved to the new flotillas space.